8K EDID Management Software

8K EDID Management Software

The new EDID Manager 2.1 is designed to facilitate display device management and help with troubleshooting possible compatibility issues between the display and the source. It lets you examine, modify, and create display EDID data, including video rates, color space, sampling, color bit depth, audio capabilities, and overall video format. The software provides all of the same features as earlier versions as well as many enhancements. Convenient capabilities include support of resolutions up to 8K and today’s higher refresh rates. It also accommodates a wide range of audio formats, including recent and popular releases by Dolby® and DTS®. EDID Manager 2.1 works in conjunction with other Extron software such as PCS and XTP® System Configurator, offering access to user-modified EDID to connect and transfer custom EDID to Extron products.

Key Feature 
